Sarah's life in words

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

lost and confused...

mind, heart, and body
constantly struggling to be the loudest
each with its own voice
tearing me from the other in a devastating game
or a destructive war

my mind puts in the logic
of each varying view
waiting for an answer that satisfies
desperately searching for the middle ground
the no man's land

my heart whispers softly
of the future, of the present
and of the hearts i love
telling me the things ive always know
the things ive always heard

my body laughs at the both of them
it knows what it can do
the power it has found itself to posses
to win a heart and take
whatever it wants

and then theres the me in the middle of it all
cant i find something that will make them go away?
something to make this all easy?
but there are too many voices
like the shouts of a crowd




  • At 5:37 PM, Blogger Samuel Hill said…

    It was so much fun going to Denny's and then seeing your place when I came to Pullman!!!

    You rock, don't ever forget that. There are things inside of you that make you special and unique. Don't lose sight of the fact that you are loved!


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