Sarah's life in words

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sometimes sleep is the best alternative to intoxication...

why is life so damn stressful?

why is it that no matter how hard i work to do ::my part:: things always come up and its so easy to get discouraged?

i guess i need to change my perspective. thats been a huge thing for me lately, so much of life is how we chose to look at the things that are coming our way.

so instead of freaking out cuz my roomate is being.. uncommunicative and im freaking out about the possibility of not having one...but not effing knowing anything but that half the rent hasnt been paid... and instead of crying cuz micah is so far away... and getting overwhelmed with all my school shit.. and freaking out about missing everyone so much...

i need to look on the brightside- i have a job where they want to use me and acknowledge the fact that i have given the last 4-5 years of my life to this job and know my shit, somehow im gonna be able to make it to hawaii in 2 months, school is just an issue of organizing your life (which im good at) and its not like i wont see people.

plus the more i chill at my house the more i realize i needed this time of just relaxing and ::being::. ive been running so much and havent taken any time to just rest and live. plus, i can focus on work and school so i can be DONE. AND im learning all about how to live my life on my own so that im not gonna be dependent on my parents or other people for the rest of my life.

so instead of getting shitfaced like id love to do right now, im going to go take a nap and then lose my self in child developement theories, making a family collage, and the interworkings of spanish.... and let myself focus on it so it becomes interesting....



  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Samuel Hill said…

    Attaway Sarah!!! I am trying to head out your way in a couple of weeks to see my brother, so it would be fun to see you as well... I will let you know more as plans firm up.

  • At 4:33 AM, Blogger Anna vB said…

    girl, pollyanna says:

    look at the bright side of life! are you noticing the overall theme of your blog? whether spoken or written, words are powerful! they bring life or death...

    make yourself a commitment to only speak and write about the positive stuff in life and see what happens.

    yes sarah, this is my outspoken european nature, hoping that my words bring life.


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